#P1253 Sixth plate format "ISENRING" Magic Background daguerreotypes
Sixth plate format double plate Magic Background daguerreotypes. Most likely produced by Frederick Langenheim in the patented "ISENRING" process (please see the accompanying excerpts). Langenheim had a license to use the “ISENRING” process and also patented an improvement to the process. Several modern day daguerreotypists have remarked about the precision achieved in the background process of these two daguerreotypes. Housed in an excellent black Boston style which is probably not original to the image (not sure if Langenheim of Phil. used a Boston case).
CONDITION: the re-silvered plates are in excellent condition. Very slight tarnish in the purple/pink background. I have resealed the dags with new glass, Filmoplast P90 and archival polyester film.